Doing our duty for our socially isolated country! (EXTRA episodes)

As health experts and city governments advise us all to minimize social contact to slow the spread of COVID-19, I want to encourage everyone to do what they can to help support your neighbors who are most at-risk (elderly, immunocompromised, etc) — join, or form, a support organization to help those folks get groceries and other supplies, to help folks find child care, financial support, etc. Keep yourself informed with accurate, reliable information:  The CDC’s covid-19 page and the WHO’s covid-19 page are great resources here.

And please don’t hoard toilet paper.

Ed Infinitum is doing its small part to help the bored housebound of the nation and the world by publishing the rest of our season now, over these next few days, to give you more stuff to listen to when you’ve got nowhere else to go. Enjoy!